About Us
MartinLayooInc. Software Is a Single effort by one developer to write the main Cryptography Solutions in AES, RSA and 3DES of Industrial Strength. Since 2007, The Medallion also known as twinkle developed a 624 bit BigInteger Class in .net 3.5 C#. Writing Unit tests to include primality tests with recognition to Miller Rabin's theorem, he successfully accomplished the solutions. This delve into the unknown before a release of a BigInteger class in .NET meant the dawn of RSAInfinito the messaging software - a major coup de'tat.
Since 2007 on first launching MartinLayooInc, a number of Cryptography Software and Structural Engineering Products have been released. From the onset, the mission has been to enter the Security And Communications Market, which has seen endless products built, refined and marketed on the site.
Consultancy is another area that martinlayooinc, have engaged, e.g. the development of A MOOC (multiple Ordered Organised Courses) utilizing Struts and Bit Coin Cryptocurrecies, Prototype for the University Of South Africa, amongst other projects detailed on the site.
Some of the mind blowing products include Epsilon Communique Churra, TauElastica 3D Virtual Space, and Enterprise RSA Premium Suite capable of Accurate RSA 4096 bit to 316 bit randomly generated Keys, with inclusions of recursive Folder/File Encryption - all developed in House, amongst many more on the mentioned link Current Software.
Other Applications on the main MartinLayooInc Site range from Ultimate AES Crypto-system to DES and 3DES as well as RSA. You just have to look at the site to appreciate the endeavour of the Developer, and his enthusiasm for Folder as well as whole file encryption, emailing and File Transfers during a session in Messenger like communication between a conference of people over a network.